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Block Business Network

Our Block is our local community. We can actually know each other. In order to help our neighbor entrepreneurs, the Board of Directors has authorized a six-month trial of our own Block Business Network, allowing residents to advertise their personal businesses among neighbors. Lawyers, accountants, website designers, tutors, personal trainers, copy editors, graphic designers and others are eligible. At first, these ads will be broadcast with our irregular email newsletters and occasionally posted on Block buildings. And BBN will be a regular feature of our website. Initial cost for the six-month trial will be a Block Sponsor fee of $25 for members. This effort will also provide fundraising for the Block and encourage more active community participation. We reserve the right to reject any application. All terms subject to change during this trial period.

BBN application

BBN members

© 2009 The West 76th Street Block Association, Inc. All rights reserved.